Feb 11, 2018New images & acquisitionsFor the uninitiated, I run two different websites on Richard Amsel. The first is www.richardamsel.info / www.richard-amsel.com, now going...
Feb 11, 2018Another Amsel rediscovery: Merv Griffin portraitHowever extensive I've tried to be with my research into Richard Amsel's life and work, there always seems to be a new discovery (or,...
Feb 10, 2018Eleonora DuseDuring my early research for preparing this website, I got to know producer Michael Danahy, who was friends with Richard Amsel during the...
Feb 7, 2018TEN YEARS!It's hard to believe that I launched this website 10 years ago today. I began building the website in late 2007. I was unemployed at the...