Our INDIEGOGO campaign
Thank you for your interest in AMSEL: ILLUSTRATOR OF THE LOST ART!

This documentary feature has been a heartfelt passion project, involving years of extensive research and personal investment. And while we’ve already done a great deal of filming -- interviewing subjects in California, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina and Pennsylvania -- the production has, in many ways, only just begun. Many additional interviews throughout the country are planned over the next year, before the intricate work of post production will begin.
Your support can help make this project a reality, and help preserve the legacy of an artist we lost all too soon.
Our Indiegogo campaign is in partnership with FRACTURED ATLAS, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Amsel: Illustrator of the Lost Art must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Our INDIEGOGO campaign will relaunch soon!
If there is an item you want, please contact us to confirm availability and for additional details.
I was planning on relaunching our Indiegogo campaign late last year, but in my heart, I felt that the timing just wasn't right. There are so many terrible things going on in the world, with so many people in need, that my seeking money for a little documentary pales in comparison to the plights of so many other, more pressing and important causes. I'm going to wait a little while until I feel a new launch would be more appropriate. In the meantime, I'm still busy doing interviews and motion graphics for the film.
So far, the campaigns through Fractured Atlas and Indiegogo have collectively raised over $10,000 -- funds that have allowed me to acquire and professionally scan a large collection of transparencies, book travel to complete further interviews, license editing software, and more. Every dollar helps, and every dollar I'm grateful for.
Our crowdfunding campaign on INDIEGOGO will offer such rewards as insider's access, digital downloads, and various "perks". Some contributions are partially tax-deductible.
Even if you can't donate, you can still help us by spreading the news, and getting word out there. You can also subscribe to our newsletter and Facebook page for project updates!

MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME was the last completed film poster by Richard Amsel. This flyer, featuring the artwork, is unique as it belonged to Amsel himself; Warner Bros. had provided him with a small number when the film was released. While it does not have Amsel's signature, it will come with a certificate of authenticity by Amsel's close friend, David Byrd, who helped move out Amsel's belongings from his NYC apartment after the artist's death.

Celebrated artist David J. Negron has graciously signed copies of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: THE ILLUSTRATED SCREENPLAY. Negron contributed storyboards to the film, and they are featured within the book, long out of print. Good but slightly used condition, featuring Amsel's celebrated poster art on the cover.

We have one reproduction mini poster of FLASH GORDON, signed by Flash himself, the dashing Sam J. Jones! Sam generously donated this to us, specifically for this campaign.

MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME was the last completed film poster by Richard Amsel. This flyer, featuring the artwork, is unique as it belonged to Amsel himself; Warner Bros. had provided him with a small number when the film was released. While it does not have Amsel's signature, it will come with a certificate of authenticity by Amsel's close friend, David Byrd, who helped move out Amsel's belongings from his NYC apartment after the artist's death.