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DAVID EDWARD BYRD April 4, 1941 – Feb. 3, 2025

David Edward Byrd – artist, genius, advocate, and one of my dearest, most cherished friends – died yesterday.

I can’t write much about it, or him, right now, as I’m still processing the loss, and absorbing the terrible feeling of being in a world that no longer has him in it.

I learned the news from his husband Jolino, just a few minutes after David’s passing. I wanted to give Jolino the opportunity to announce it publicly before writing anything here. Now that I am, I’m fumbling for words. I’ll have to give a proper writeup – a eulogy, perhaps – at a later time. No doubt there shall be fitting tributes and obituaries to come, especially throughout the art and illustration world.

For now, though, I’m hoping we could continue to help Jolino. The home in Albuquerque represented a new chapter in their lives together, but Jolino must go on and face it alone. That, and the obvious financial burdens of any funeral and memorial services (I have no details on them as yet), makes your support as important as ever.

Thank you for honoring David’s memory. He loved you, and your support proved that you loved him back.

Amsel: Illustrator of the Lost Art would never have been possible without David's involvement and support. The project will be dedicated to his memory.

Pictured: The last photo I took of David and Jolino together, on April 11, 2024, the day before David left Los Angeles.
Pictured: The last photo I took of David and Jolino together, on April 11, 2024, the day before David left Los Angeles.


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