Happy new year, everyone!
First and foremost, I want to thank all those who contributed to the documentary through our Fractured Atlas donation page. I’m grateful to and sincerely touched by your ongoing support. The December promo was a particular success, and I’ll be announcing the prize winners in a video shortly. (To those of you who donated $30 or more, I’ll be sending out the thank you packages in the coming weeks.)
I also want to call out a generous anonymous donation we received through the charity fundraiser, Network for Good. As I don’t know how else to thank this donor personally, allow me to express my appreciation here.
Now that 2021 is finally over and done with, I have a lot of bittersweet feelings. This time last year, I got married, went on my honeymoon, did three PR stints for the Amsel documentary, and celebrated Christmas…all within a few days. It was a busy time, but I was feeling rather hopeful about the future. The Trump and COVID eras were happily coming to a close (or so they seemed), and I had just begun a yearlong animation training program under Don Bluth.
I had hoped, with that kind of forward momentum, to also accomplish a lot more in 2021 with the Amsel documentary. But the extended COVID lockdown jettisoned any chances for doing more interviews, and an extended trip to the east coast had to be canceled.
The disgusting events of January 6th might have served as a warning knell for the year to come. I lost a few beloved friends in 2021 – including my last surviving uncle, a former lover, my lawyer, and a sweet, softspoken little cat named Carly. Most devastating to me, personally, was the death my cousin and godson, Stephen Kempfe; he was only 30 years old, and also one of my closest friends. As if 2020 wasn’t rough enough.
I’ve had another big change in my life as of late. In the beginning of October I started a Digital Graphics Project Manager position at Deluxe Media, Inc., and it’s been a thrilling – and challenging – experience so far. (Then again, the best opportunities usually are.) I’m continually impressed by the scope of the company’s work, and am excited to be a part of their team.
I hope 2022 brings you all joy, health, and success. I also hope that 1.) I’ll finally be able to take that former-wedding/now-much-delayed honeymoon cruise that’s been rescheduled five times over the past two years, and 2.) I’ll be able to continue doing interviews for the Richard Amsel documentary, including some that have been in the planning stages for longer than I can remember.